
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

What Is Canvas Coffee?

Our name is taken from arabic words of wisdom; "Hairunnas anfa'uhum linnas" wich means "The best human being are those who bestow beneficial aid to each other". Regarding to the origin of our name , it aims to spread goodness in every activities held. It currently presents a place of people to exchange idea and thought while while enjoying cup of coffee. It is mainly organized by two young men; Maman and Cadot, and we are receiving many support from family and friends. Our coffee shop is located in a small village in Lombok - Indonesia called Batu Cangku, it's extremly close to Sembalun and National Lombok Park. It serves two beatiful scaneries from this village. First is the beautful high strong muscular mountain of Rinjani, from the bottom to the top, secon is the clear blue sea and islands from the distance. Our coffee shop is built by treaces of goods it is designet carefully and bravely so it looks elegant with tidy arrangemen...

Egitha Shivva Say Hello From Canvas Coffee

Thanks for Egitha Shivva say hello from Canvas Coffee, this is the first time come to Canvas Coffee. She is our suporter for CanVas Coffee.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Sambil Bernyanyi

Belajar bahasa Inggris di canvas coffee untuk meningkatkan kafasitas anak bangsa di sebuah kampung yang bernama Batu cangku, Desa Sapit, kami ingin mewujudkan generasi kami agar bisa menguasai bahasa yang berbasis internasional, kami tidak ingin generasi kami tertinggal di dunia gelobal ini. Maka dengan ini kami mengajari generasi kami sejak dini agar besarnya nanti bisa berbaur dengan manusia gelobal lainya.
